Resume: Welder

Click on the text with and information will expand where you will see what resources and tools are recommended to help you properly assess the abilities of these candidates.

Role applied for:

  • Journeyperson Welder in a copper mine responsible for maintenance and repair of site structures and equipment in all areas of the mill and mine;

Key considerations:

  • Does the candidate’s English language proficiency meet the essential skill requirements for this role?
  • The job requires relevant Red Seal certification. Not clear from resume if candidate is certified in Canada/BC.
  • Is the candidate able to work 12-hour shifts and under difficult conditions?

Julian Goosen

CELL: 778-123-1234
E-mail address:

Educational Qualifications

Name of the Institute: SAIW (South Africa Institute of welding)

Qualification: Welding and fabrication Inspector Level II                      2007

Name of the Institute: SAIW (South Africa Institute of welding)

Qualification: Welding and Fabrication Inspector Level I                      2006

(and register as a member) of SAIW

Name of the Institution : Bellville Technical college

Qualification : Trade Test Certification (Red Seal)                                2004

Name of the Institute : Bellville Technical College

Qualification : Welding Student of the year (Theory and Practical)       2003

Name of the Institute : Commercial & Technical High School, Bafut Bamenda

Qualification: Cameroon General and High School Certification           1992

Professional Credentials

Challenge – Welder is a nationally designated trade under the Inter-provincial Red Seal program.  There is no indication that the candidate is certified in this trade in BC/Canada. Otherwise, the candidate seems like they may be qualified for the position. How do I proceed?

Solution – If the rest of the resume appears to indicate a strong candidate, contact the candidate and inquire about the status of licensure in Canada.

For suggestions on how to frame your discussion with the candidate, three potential candidate responses and your next steps based on the responses, check out: The position I am hiring for needs a license but the candidate has not specified if they are licensed in Canada, how do I approach the situation?

Academic Credentials

Challenge – I am unfamiliar with these academic institutions. How can I assess the credibility of the education?

Solution – If it is and it appears that the candidate is otherwise qualified for the role, you can ask the individual to have the credentials assessed. There are a variety of credential assessment services that are available. They are listed on the Assessing Academic Credentials page.

If you would like suggestions about how to make the request of this candidate, visit: Can I request that a candidate has his/her academic credentials assessed?

Employment History

  • Company’s Name: Chevron / Dormac (Escravos FSO Cape Town Harbour)

Position: Welding Supervisor /SHEQ Officer

  • Company’s Name: Petrel Engineering Epping (Cape Town)

Position: Welding Supervisor / SHE Officer

  • Company’s name : S.A. Five Engineering

Position : Welding and Fabrication Inspector

Position : Welding and Fabrication Co-ordinator

Position : Welding and Fabrication Inspector at Caltex refinery

  • Company’s name : S A FIVE Engineering Work Shop in Black Heath

Position : Double Coded Welder (6G, 6GR, 5G, 4G & Flux) core arc welding

  • Company’s name : Namakwa Sands Steel Industry

Position : Double Coded Welder & safety Aide, Shut down

  • Company’s name: Baron Engineering Cape Town

Position Double Coded Welder (Shut down at Secunder oil Refinery)

  • Company’s name : DCD Dorlby Marine

Position : Coded Welder & safety Aide.(temporal contract of 6 months come to an end 2004)

  • Company’s name : S.G.S of Cameroon

Position : Supervisor/Coded welder 6GR (working under Metal Services sarl working offshore)

  • Company’s name : Cameroon Maintenance Industrial (under Metal Services sarl) from 1999 to 2002

Position : Supervisor (A term of 34 work-forces working offshore)

  • Company’s name : Metal Services Sarl

Position : Supervisor

  • Company’s name : African Steel Industry Company

Position : Welder & Head of Group

  • Company’s name : Cameroon Shipyard Industry

Position : Quality Welder on Sheet metal & Ship Surface

International Experience

Challenge – While the role titles and job duties appear to indicate the right level of experience, there is no detail provided to explain what the candidate accomplished in each role/their level of performance. What should I do?

Solution – New Canadians may modify their resumes to fit the advice they have received in-person or online (e.g. have you heard the advice “keep it to no more than one page”). Consider this before discounting the candidate.

If the role titles and job duties outlined match the requirement for the role, consider a phone interview to determine if the candidate should proceed to the next level in the recruitment process. The intent of the phone interview is to address aspects of the candidate’s experience not evident from the resume. I am not familiar with the organizations listed, let alone their reputations, and the role titles are confusing. Should I screen this person out?


– Project management in construction of heavier structural steels

– Installation of equipments, piping assembling and structuring steels

– Interpretation of procedure and welders qualifications

– Interpretation of quality control plan

– Inspection of tools and equipments

– Training of welders and introduction to power tools

Language Proficiency

Challenge – The text in the resume is limited and/or highly technical making it difficult to determine the level of English. Should I assume they are proficient?

Solution – It is important to assess candidates against the level of language proficiency determined for the role. To install and maintain piping systems a certain command of the technical language is also necessary. If a candidate does not indicate an objective measure of his/her language proficiency, you can request one. For suggestions on how to make a request go to: A language score is not provided on the new Canadian’s resume, what do I do?