Building Immigrant Inclusion into Business Recovery Plans

The Immigrant Employment Council of BC(IEC-BC), and its partners across the country, are excited to launch the #ImmigrantsWork campaign. Leveraging the collective voice of a national coalition, we are excited to share stories of how immigration is a important source of skills and labour to support our economic recovery.  The coalition will also provide resources and tools to support Canadian businesses during this period of recovery and beyond integration. #InclusiveCanada

While it may seem cliché, we are in fact in an unprecedented time. However, opportunity lies in this moment to set a new precedent and build an economy that makes the most of the skills, education, and experience of immigrants are recognized and integrated successfully into the Canadian labour market.

Through this campaign, IEC-BC and its partners will:

  • Raise awareness of the previous, current, and potential future contributions of immigrants to Canada’s economy
  • Ensure employers think about immigrant talent sources as they plan their recovery strategies; and,
  • Provide employers with practical information and tools for immigrant inclusion in the workplace.

Immigrants comprise one-quarter of Canada’s labour force—the majority of whom are skilled and educated. As we re-build and re-hire we need to ensure that no one is left behind as we recover.

Join the Discussion on Twitter

The actions we take now will create the workforce of our near and long-term future. Join the discussion on social media by following the hashtag #ImmigrantsWork and share a success story or helpful resource for immigrant inclusion. Help us build the immigrant-inclusive economy we wish to see.

The #ImmigrantsWork campaign will be led by national coalition members:

If you have any questions about this campaign, or how to get involved, please contact us at,

*Please note: the term immigrant is used here to describe all residents in Canada that were born outside of the country. This campaign is not intended to advocate for one specific group of immigrants, but rather, all immigrants to Canada.