January is National Mentoring Month – a great opportunity for IEC-BC to celebrate the inspiring partnerships forged through its MentorConnect program over the past six years, and share stories, tips, and best practices from its many participants.
Our MentorConnect program brings together skilled immigrants and established local professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships. The program offers mentors multiple professional-development and leadership opportunities and it enhances their workplace coaching skills. It gives them insights into perspectives from around the world, and it presents them with a unique opportunity to contribute to a workplace culture where diversity is celebrated.
As noted in a recent Deloitte Impact Survey Report, it can be “a strong leg-up on the competition for both prospective employees and employers. Companies that create a culture committed to making an impact and to tapping into their employees’ sense purpose, have the ability to attract and retain top talent.”
Kudos to all 430 IEC-BC mentors who have made a difference in the lives of more than 500 skilled immigrants to Canada, and played an active part in helping them transition to meaningful employment. Through the MentorConnect program and outstanding long-term support of our Employer Partners our mentors are continuously effecting change and linking immigrant talent pool to employers in BC.
“I simply love it,” one of our mentors recently said.” I made new friends, and I felt amazing realizing that I helped these individuals find their way.”
Throughout #NationalMentoringMonth, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to learn more from program participants, become a mentor today and navigate New Canadians to success!